Optimization of Cutting Parameters in Finishing Milling of Hardox 400 Steel
Volume 5: Issue 3, Oct 2018, pp 44-49
Author's Information
Fuat KARA1
Corresponding Author
1Düzce University, Technology Faculty, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, 81620, Düzce, Turkey.
In this study, it was performed to optimization of cutting parameters in finishing milling of Hardox 400 steel with PVD TiAlN+TiN coated carbide inserts. Milling experiments were made according to Taguchi L16 orthogonal array. The evaluation of the experimental results was based on the signal/noise (S/N) ratio. Control factors that given optimum surface roughness values were determined by using the Taguchi method. Two different cutting speeds (60 and 120 m/min) and cooling method (dry and wet) as control factors was selected. In addition, depth of cut and feed rate were taken as 0.3 mm and 0.1 mm/rev, respectively. The effect levels on the surface roughness of the control factors with analysis of variance (ANOVA) performed using the experimental results were determined. The Taguchi analysis found the optimum results for surface roughness to be with the cutting speed of 120 m/min and cooling method of wet.Index Terms:-
Finishing milling, Hardox 400, Taguchi method, surface roughnessREFERENCES
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